Oaklands Path


Oaklands Path Capital Management is an asset management company licensed by Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. Through our flagship OPCM Pathfinder A Fund and private mandates, we invest global equities and convertibles with a long term investment horizon.

Ngoi Se Chai - founder

Se Chai has 15 years in asset management. He joined Pheim Asset Management, a respectable boutique value based fund house in Malaysia, in 2009 then moved on to join ETIQA Insurance Berhad in 2013 to manage portfolios of USD300m focusing on Malaysia and HK/China. Prior to joining the financial industry, he worked as an auditor in both Singapore and Malaysia and had co-founded a corporate advisory firm in Malaysia.

Se Chai has gained experience in all aspects of the work ranging from idea generations, investment evaluation and due diligence, and making strategic asset allocation including establishing arbitrage position and hedges. He endeavors to identify companies with strong competitive edge and is run by highly capable management with integrity. He has also developed a time-tested quantitative process for idea generation.

Se Chai holds a B.Sc. (Hons) Degree in Accounting from Oxford Brookes University. He was also a Chartered Accountant and a prize winner in ACCA studies.

Zhao Xin, CFA - partner, CIO

Xin has 22 years of experience in equity research in both buy side and sell side. She was a junior portfolio manager at CICC Sloane Robinson JV Fund for one year and was an Institutional Investor ranked analyst covering China technology sector at Cazenove (which was later acquired by Standard Chartered Bank), Macquarie, and CCBI Securities. Her main coverage included internet, hardware, software and IT services, and media. Before she started her career in finance in Hong Kong, she worked as a Global Strategist at Samsung Group in Seoul, South Korea, for two years, and worked at PricewaterhouseCoppers in Beijing, China for three years. Xin has excellent analytical skills and her professional experience enables her to anticipate industry trends, analyze companies’ strategy/vision and business execution amid industry trends, and select winners.

Xin holds a B.E. Degree in Management Information Systems and an M.E. Degree in Accounting from Tsinghua University, China. She also has an MBA Degree in Finance from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Jonathan Choi - Analyst

Prior to joining Oaklands Path, Jonathan has 7 years’ experience in audit and accounting. He started his career in 2014 as an Auditor in BDO Malaysia. He joined PLUS Malaysia in 2018 and was the Head of Group Financial & Stakeholder Reporting, in charge of both the usual financial reporting matters, as well as being the lead person in charge for all Toll Compensation matters with the Government of Malaysia.

Investment has always been something he is very passionate about. Since 2016, he has managed a website, Choivo Capital, where he shares some of his ideas and research. In terms of investment, his preference is to identify long term double compounders at a reasonable price and maintain a concentrated position.

Jonathan is a Chartered Accountant and holds an ACA from The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).